New collection of Poser artwork from various very talented artists, in this collection you will see fantasy portraits images. Please follow the links to see full size images.
Air by OddMuse
The Mechanical Doll by Leilana
In the Window by Tracesl
Indra by kiko68
Looking For Trouble by Nimeria
Soul Warrio by Tracesl
Arcanum Nocturne by BlackTalonArts
Bast 2 by anitalee
The Magic Weapon by Tracesl
If it’s something wicked by Amaranth
Opal Moon by anitalee
Sun goes down by mirana
Templo by kiko68
Canny the Fox by Artistic_license
Red Bull? by dhuregrif
High Class by SympaticoStudio
Tentacles by duo
The Lights of Gods by duo
Winter Wizardess by nfredman